News relating to St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray.
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St Mary's Eaton Bray: February 2007

Easter Lilies

Anyone who would like to donate money to dedicate lilies at Easter in memory of a loved one is asked to tell Edna Moore as soon as possible, and in any case before 1 April.


Parish Project - Kagando HospitalOn Monday 5th March at 8pm please come along to church and hear Rebecca Baldock giving an illustrated talk on life in Kagando.

We have supported the hodpital with out money, now please come and meet 26 year old Rebecca as she describes life at, and around the hospital and, no doubt, brings the thanks of Kagando back to our parish. Wine will be served.

Vicar's Letter - February 2007

If the headlines are anything to go by, 2007 did not get off to a very bright start. We emerged from our Christmas festivities into reports of the deteriorating situation in Iraq and, indeed, throughout the Middle East, to dire predictions about global warming, underlined by some unusually mild winter weather, to alarm stories about crime and criminals, and lots more gloom. The news always seems to be the bad news these days. You have to dig deep to find good news.

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